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Expert insight on brick laying techniques

Updated: Aug 20, 2019

The walls of homes that are made of double brick are built with two layers of masonry (bricks). And there’s an air gap in between the two layers for wall insulation. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, this trend caught on about a century ago.

Brick is said to have thermal mass properties, which means it can store heat from the sun and release it slowly into your home at night. This is great for comfort in summer, especially when the house warms up during the day and cools off at night. It’s especially beneficial in winter when the nights are colder. Thus, double brick homes can provide superior thermal comfort all year round.

Good bricklaying procedure depends on good workmanship and efficiency. Efficiency involves doing the work with the fewest possible motions. Each motion should have a purpose and should achieve a definite result. After learning the fundamentals, every Builder should develop methods for achieving maximum efficiency. The work must be arranged in such a way that the Builder is continually supplied with brick and mortar. The scaffolding required must be planned before the work begins. It must be built in such away as to cause the least interference with other crew members.

Bricks should always be stacked on planks; never pile them directly on uneven or soft ground. Do not store bricks on scaffolds or runways. This does not, however, prohibit placing normal supplies on scaffolding during actual bricklaying operations. Except where stacked in sheds, brick piles should never be more than 2 m high. When a pile of brick reaches a height of 1 m, it must be tapered back 200 mm in every meter of height above the 1 m level. The tops of brick piles must be kept level, and the taper must be maintained during unpiling operations.

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